We Have Issues #95

Nick whinges a lot about being tired, Max whinges a lot about liking too many comics, and David… is actually pretty upbeat about stuff on this episode.

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David is @davidwynne
Max is @Maxy_Barnard

Show timings:
00:09:30 – David talks about: All-Star Batman #3 by Scott Snyder & John Romita Jr / Southern Cross #7 by Becky Cloonan & Andy Belanger / Wonder Woman #6 by Greg Rucka & Nicola Scott / Doom Patrol #1 by Gerard Way & Nick Derington
00:24:30 – Nick talks about: Doom Patrol #1 by Gerard Way & Nick Derington / Briggs Land #1 & 2 by Brian Wood & Mack Chater / Animosity #1 by Marguerite Bennett & Rafael De Latorre
00:59:30 – Max talks about his whole standing order

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