We Have Issues #50

whi50 - I Hate Fairyland 1 detail by Skottie Young

whi50 – I Hate Fairyland 1 detail by Skottie Young

James, Jane and Nick ponder various things, including why Johnny Vegas avoids going to comic conventions that we’ll be at, among other things.

Distraction Pieces: Garth Ennis – link

Show Timings:
00:28:30 – This Week’s Comics:
00:28:30 – I Hate Fairyland #1 by Skottie Young & Jean-Francois Beaulieu
00:39:30 – Journey To Star Wars: Shattered Empire #2/3 by Greg Rucka & Marco Checchetto
00:46:30 – 2000AD #1952 by various
00:47:30 – Secret Wars: Marvel Zombies #4 by Si Spurrier & Kev Walker
00:48:30 – Crossed +100 #10 by Si Spurrier & Rafa Ortiz
01:01:00 – We(l)come Back #2 by

01:08:00 – Peter Hammerson’s Epic Library Quest – “The Fountain” by Darren Aronofski & Kent Williams

91:14:00 – The Twilight Children #1 by Gilbert Hernandez & Darwyn Cooke

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