We Have Issues #107

In the first show in 2017, Nick and Jon talk about trusting transgressive creators, and all sorts of other comic related stuff. They do talk about comics by the end, we promise.

CONTENT WARNING: Between about 10:00 and 17:00 we talk quite frankly about sexual assault in comics. Please avoid if this may distress you.

Also Max Barnard contributes the first part of his Best Of 2016 contributionising.

Show Timings

00:40:00 – Max Barnard’s Best Of 2016 Part 1
00:50:00 – Unstoppable Wasp #1 by Jeremy Whitley & Elsa Charretier
01:00:00 – Animosity #3 & 4 by Marguerite Bennett & Rafael de Latore
01:07:00 – IDW Transformers various books and creators

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