Twittercomic 2016 – Part 1

On October 16th, 2016, a house in Southampton, England hosted Twittercomic 2016. Comic creator extraordinaire David Wynne created a comic based entirely on ideas from Twitter (and his own brain) for 24 hours, and a gang of idiots and their friends broadcast audio to the internet around him while he did. This is the first section of the audio recording from that day. Read more

We Have Issues #102

Western civilisation is falling or maybe just revealing itself, and all Nick can do about it is talk about comics. Also Max knows the difference between Dave Johnson and Antony Johnston; he just got confused, alright? Read more

We Have Issues #101

Nick is tired and won’t stop banging on about the impending fall of Western civilisation. Max is obsessed with an immigrant, and Pete is stuck in the past. Guys, BREXIT MEANS BREXIT. Read more